Essentially Yeshua is a "nick" like mike for micheal ,but communicated Jesus in hebrew Back in the day Jesus was called either Yehoushua or Yahousha the prefex "Yah" of the later connotes Jesus as the fulness of the Godhead (Jesus is God in the flesh) The english use of Jesus was begun only about 700 years ago23 And in that day ye shall ask me nothing Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it youWhat does John 1623 mean?

Aramaic New Covenant Issues John 1 18 Who Was Only Begotten The Son Or Theos
John 16 23-24 original aramaic
John 16 23-24 original aramaic-Daniel , & Ezra , The New Testament was originally written in Greek Not Hebrew, not Aramaic, but Greek The Old Testament, on the other hand, was originally written in Hebrew, though the following portions of the OT were originally in Aramaic Genesis 3147 (2 words), Jeremiah 1011;

Writing Angels Astronomy And Aramaic In The Early Hellenistic Age Chapter 3 Demons Angels And Writing In Ancient Judaism
Some may misunderstand this to be the case, but I John 514 qualifies what He will grant "Now this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us"Real prayer is communion with God, and what is necessary forJohn 1624 ܥܕܡܐ ܠܗܫܐ ܠܐ ܫܐܠܬܘܢ ܡܕܡ ܒܫܡܝ ܫܐܠܘ ܘܬܤܒܘܢ ܕܬܗܘܐ ܚܕܘܬܟܘܢ ܡܫܡܠܝܐ ܀ (translation Aramaic NT Peshitta) 中文 čeština Nederlands Français ქართული ენა Deutsch Italiano 日本語 한국어 Português Pyccĸий Srpski, Српски Español Svenska alog isiZuluJohn 161 Christ comforts his disciples by the promise of the Holy Ghost, and his ascension;
In the Gospel of John, chapter 3, Jesus has a famous conversation with Nicodemus in which he says, "You must be born again" The Greek word translated "again" actually has two meanings it can mean not only "a second time" but also "from above" Whenever it is used elsewhere in John, it means "from above" (John 1911, 23) This is what the Bible said in the ancient Aramaic, according to Neil Douglas Klotz (Prayers of the Cosmos, pages 8687; The Aramaic word that can change your thinking is Memra Please read on!
John John AMPC And when that time comes, you will ask nothing of Me you will need to ask Me no questions I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, that My Father will grant you whatever you ask in My Name as presenting all that I AM Exod 314 Up to this time you have not asked a single thing in My Name asJohn Is it true that God has given us a blank check to ask anything of Him just as one might ask a genie in a fairy tale?A closer look at John 128 in the Aramaic Peshitta Consistent Aramaic Grammar Beautifully Harmonizes in the Original Text by Greg Glaser ^the side of _), which is used elsewhere in the fourth gospel (eg, John 323, John 45, John 623) According to Matthew 3712 though, JB did baptize Pharisees For more on this point

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Aramaic The Language Of Jesus Posts Facebook
He spoke Aramaic, and we have no original writings of Aramaic of him or about him My response We don't know if he spoke Greek or not so you cannot conclusively say that he1st Century Judeans usually had Hebrew names even though they spoke Aramaic Mark and Luke were likely Greek or Greek Jews Here is what their real names likely were Hebrew Mattithyahu (Matthew) Hebrew/Greek Hyphonated IoannesMarkos (JohnM The Greek word translated "again" actually has two meanings it can mean not "a second time" but also "from above" Whenever it is used elsewhere in John, it means "from above" (Jn 1911, 23) That is what Jesus appears to mean in John 3 when he speaks with Nicodemus a person must be born from above in order to have eternal

Joseph A Fitzmyer A Wandering Aramean Collected Aramaic Essays 1979 Pdf

Gospel Wikipedia
And in that day you will ask me nothing Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it to you ( John 1623) "You're not to ask Me, your prayers are to be unto the Father They are to be in the name of Jesus Christ" And our prayers today should actually be addressed to the Father in the name of JesusAramaic NT Parallel English Translations Etheridge Juchanon / John 16 > > Murdock 1 Christ comforteth his disciples against tribulation by the promise of the Holy Ghost, and by his resurrection and ascension 23 assureth their prayers made in his name to be acceptable to his Father 33 Peace in Christ, and in the world afflictionJohn 16 John 16 is the sixteenth verse in the twentieth chapter of the Gospel of John in the New Testament of the Bible The verse describes the moment that Mary Magdalene realizes that Jesus has returned from the dead, when she recognizes his voice calling her name

Is John 3 16 17 An Aramaic Impossibility Askbiblescholars

Aramaic Wikipedia
The Aramaic original New Testament theory is the belief that the Christian New Testament was originally written in Aramaic The New Testament in Aramaic languages exists in a number of versions the Vetus Syra (Old Syriac), a translation from Greek into early Classical Syriac, containing most—but not all—of the text of the 4 Gospels, and represented in the Curetonian Gospels andAnd it was written in Hebrew Aramaic, Latin and in Greek" (John 19) n "Messiah" (Jn 141) "The Greek transliteration of the Aram m e šīḥâ (=Heb māšīaḥ) occurs in the NT only here and in 425Also noted in Braden's Secrets of the Lost Mode of Prayer, pages ) According to Klotz, John 16 2324 has been edited of this method

Gregg Braden With Regard To The Power Of Prayer A Comparison Of The Modern Biblical Version Of Ask And You Shall Receive For Example With Its Original Text Gives Us An

Ppt Exploring The Lord S Prayer In The Aramaic Powerpoint Presentation Id
John The Aramaic word for "Messiah" or "Christ" is Meshikha While most people know this is false, some people think that "Christ" was a last name to our Lord This was simply a title that meant "the Anointed One" Jesus is the one man to whom God gave an unlimited anointing for the ministry (John 334)John 316 is only one of the passages the universalists have used to erroneously propup their unsound theory No doubt, it has been the universalists, past and present, who have dubbed John 316 as the "golden text" of the Bible Using Yahweh's Word in such aJohn John KJV And in that day ye shall ask me nothing Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall ask the Father in my name, he will give it you Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name ask, and ye shall receive, that your


John 16 23 24 In That Day You Will Ask Nothing Of Me Truly Truly I Say To You Whatever You Ask Of The Father In My Name He Will Give It To You
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